TMJ: How it Might Be Affecting You, And How to Find Relief

Pain in the jaw and face can be excruciating and it is worse when you don’t know what is causing it. For many people facial pain is related to TMJ. It is the hinge-like joint which connects upper and lower jaw bones. If the joint is not working properly, it can mean you have symptoms of TMJ says the dentist in Salt Lake City.

Symptoms of TMJ

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Hearing problems
  • Locked jaw
  • Clicking or grating sensation
  • Pain or tenderness in jaw
  • Pain in neck or shoulders
  • Swelling on the side of your face

Risk factors and causes

While it is easy to identify the symptoms of TMJ and nerve pain, it can be difficult to determine what is causing the pain. The TMJ can occur under the following circumstances:

  • Arthritis damage in joint cartilage
  • Disc erosion in jaw
  • Grinding or clenching
  • Poor posture
  • Orthodontist braces
  • A jaw injury

Diagnosing temporomandibular joint disorder

One of the first people who diagnose TMJ is your family dentist. Your ENT specialist can also diagnose and treat TMJ. The dentist near UT 84123 will check your jaw joints for pain and tenderness or any clicking sounds when you move the jaw. Further, x-rays, CAT scans, and MRI can also help in the diagnosis.

Treatment options for TMJ

At –home treatment

  • Eat soft foods
  • Take an OTC anti-inflammatory medication
  • Practice good posture
  • Avoid extreme or unnecessary jaw movements
  • Position your jaw with your teeth slightly apart as often as possible
  • Place moist heat or cold packs on your jaw
  • Learn to relax
  • Massage your neck and jaw muscles

Medical treatment

  • Medications such as pain relievers
  • Oral splints or mouth guards
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgical options

If you experience aching pain in your face, temple, ear, or jaw, you may be dealing with TMJ suggests the dentist near Salt Lake City. When you realize the symptoms, it is important to take care of yourself and see a dentist near you as soon as possible. The dentist will help in learning more about TMJ.

All Tied Up: What Every Mom Needs to Hear About Tongue and Lip Ties

When a baby is born, only milk is the source which could help it get proper nourishment but what if a baby is facing issues in feeding. One or two month’s baby can’t express its problems but there may be many reasons for this.

One of the obvious reasons for this issue can be gum and lip ties. Some kids are born with attached lip and gum and for them; feeding and eating can be difficult for days. This can also create a hindrance for lactation.

The Hard Part

In such cases, the parents must not delay their visit to an expert surgeon who can provide necessary solutions with right treatment. In such cases, the baby is given anesthesia in the affected area and then with the help of surgical scissor, lips and gums are separated.

Parents must stay calm because this may involve blood and a child’s scream. After the surgery, mother is suggested to feed to comfort the baby. In just few minutes, the kid may calm down and may pursue regular feeding.

Getting Educated

It is very essential to get educated about such issues at the right time because if left untreated, it may cause further issues like tooth decay, jaw pain, crocked tooth and digestion issues in kids. One must consult an expert to know about the solutions and consequences of such issues.

Further, a doctor may also suggest necessary treatment and exercises to avoid attachment back again. Education for lip and gum ties issues is necessary because pediatrics may miss to check it while at the time of birth of the baby.

Relief for Baby, Relief for Mama

If your kid is facing issues in eating or feeding and has issue to feed properly, you must check for lip or tongue ties issues. There are various advanced procedures which can treat such issues. With such solutions, your kid will no longer face any issue eating and you can enjoy relief from the stress of your kids forever.

How to Deal with a Broken Crown?

A crown is a common dental restoration used for preserving the teeth’s functionality, shape, and size. They also help in covering the dental implants and closing gaps between cracked and worn teeth.

What happens if your crown breaks or falls out? Let’s find out below:

Is There Any Quick Fix for the Patients Until They See a Dentist?

The best thing that you can do is apply a little clove oil with a cotton swab or dental cement directly to the tooth surface if it feels sensitive. This might help a bit in terms of the sensitivity and pain relief.

How Do Dentists Deal with Broken Crowns?

A fallen or lost crown is rarely an emergency but it can be quite painful as the exposed tooth tissue might be sensitive. If the patient has the crown, they will clean it thoroughly and examine both remaining tooth structure and the crown, they make sure if the core is not defective.

When the crown is lost or defective, they advise a temporary crown and attempt to make a new crown after doing necessary preparation.

Post-Surgery Tips:

The immediate step involves avoiding eating hard and sticky food and allowing the cement to have adequate time to set. If you were numbed during previous dental treatments, you need to wait till normal sensations return before biting as there is risk of biting your cheek.

How Long Before a Return Checkup Is Required?

The dentist in Salt Lake needs to check your crown every six months. He might take x-rays to rule out any possible problems.

What Is the Key to Maintaining Long-Lasting Crowns?

The dentist can ensure the longevity of the crowns by making them in right fit as ill-fitting and defective crown will be difficult to maintain.

Once the crown is fitted and cemented, patients should:

  • Maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing with an electric toothbrush at least twice daily and flossing regularly for removing bacteria.
  • Avoid chewing on hard food that can break porcelain and take precautionary steps towards some destructive habits such as grinding by using night guards.

Dental 911! Coverage and an After-Hours Emergency

Oral hygiene is a very delicate matter and some injuries require emergency treatment. A knocked out, broken, a cracked tooth or any other kind of injury can happen at any point of time. You can visit the Warm Family Dentistry in Salt Lake City, UT for any kind of dental emergency.

There can be many reasons to visit the emergency office of the dentist:

  • Missing a large tooth
  • Nerve damage in the tooth
  • Broken or knocked out tooth
  • Cracked tooth

Here are the things that you need to do if any of these emergencies occur:

1). Stop

First thing that you need to do is to STOP and make a call to the dentist and book an emergency appointment. Make sure that you have your dentist’s number so that in such situations there can be a person to contact.

Find a doctor who would be able to help you anytime apart from his work hours and get the digits. Do save the number in your cell incase of such emergencies.

2). Drop

If you have a broken tooth, then keep the tooth in a container of either milk or your saliva and make sure that you compress the socket in order to manage bleeding. Try pushing the knocked out tooth in the socket and bite down on the are with a wet tea bag or moistened gauze.

If there is more blood, then apply a cold compress which would help you to reduce the bleeding and swelling if there is any. If the crack in the tooth is severe then you need to drop by the office immediately.

3). Roll

Do as your dentist asks you to do and reach the dentist’s office for a proper check-up. Warm Family Dentistry is available for your emergency office visits even after the office hours. Get your plan now which would cover the emergency visits for urgent care as well.

Apart from Salt Lake city, UT; Warm Family Dentistry also serves near Taylorsville, Kearns, Murray, West Jordan, and West Valley City. So, you can reach out at any point of time for any kind of emergency.

A Brief Look at Today’s Dental Bridges

Effective dental care focuses primarily on preventing dental health issues such as tooth decay and gum disease which can damage your dental health as well as your smile. Dentistry suggests removal and replacement of one or more teeth which no longer function due to extensive damage or disease. Dental bridge replaces the lost tooth or several teeth in a row for restoring your ability to bite, chew, and pronounce words properly and smile with confidence. The bridges in Salt Lake City are custom-designed for addressing every patient’s unique needs.

How a Traditional Dental Bridge Works

Traditionally, dental bridge consists of appropriate number of replacement teeth bordered on either side by porcelain dental crowns. The crowns are bonded to the remaining healthy teeth adjacent to the gap holding the bridge in place. The dental crowns and replacement teeth are made from dental porcelain. The semi-translucent material is layered for mimicking the tooth enamel’s property of reflecting light. It is tinted to the exact color and shade of your healthy teeth. If you have lost several teeth, the dentist in 84123 may suggest a partial denture which fits around remaining teeth for filling the scattered gaps in smile of a patient.

Dental Bridges Supported by Implants

Healthy teeth are supported by the roots which extend under the gum tissue ad into upper and lower jawbone. The embedded roots allow teeth to absorb bite pressure and when stimulated, the roots facilitate healthy blood flow to the jaw. The dental implants are surgically inserted into your jawbone with connective posts above the gum line to connect the right dental appliance. The modern dental bridges replace only visible part of the teeth; however, dental implants provide lifelike support for your dental bridge for improved function, comfort, and stability.

Ask Your Dentist Which Bridge is Right for You

Whether you want to have a traditional bridge or wish to go for a dental implant supported bridge, you can speak to a dentist near you. The dentist will perform a thorough examination of the condition of your teeth and suggest you the right option.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder that affects millions of people but they hardly know about it. Dentists say that when a patient is suffering from sleep apnea, he/she stops breathing for few seconds while sleeping. Each breathing pause can be defined as apnea. Sleep apnea may cause several other issues and thus treatment at right time is essential. When best sleep apnea treatment is to be obtained, one may consults dentist at Warm Family Dentistry.

How Often Does It Happen?

The apnea may last for about 10 seconds which happens in fixed interval throughout the night when the patient is sleeping. Many patients can experience 5 to 30 apneas in just a single hour of night. This causes abnormal breathing.

Why Does Sleep Apnea Happen?

In the sleep apnea patient, the tongue around the soft tissue rest at the throat area due to muscle relaxation and gravity while sleeping. When this happens, it obstructs the normal airflow in the mouth. This condition may be known as sleep apnea. When it slowly exceed because of aging or excessive alcohol intake, it may cause severe health issues.

What Are The Consequences of Untreated Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder which may cause several issues like snoring, prolonged sleepiness, and multiple nightmares. When sleep apnea is left untreated for a longer period, it may cause severe health issues like

  • Poor memory and forgetful
  • Choking or breath issues during sleep
  • Frequent headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity and diabetes.
  • Coronary artery disease.

What Are My Treatment Options?

CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure – A machine is used to regulate air flow in mouth while sleeping.

COAT – Continuous Open Airway Therapy – Oral device is used to move lower jaw to keep airway open.

How Do I Start My Treatment?

If you feel that you have symptoms of sleep apnea you must consult a physician or a dentist at Warm Family Dentistry as soon as possible. Depending upon the issues and the sleep study, he can suggest required treatment and its tenure.

Root Canal: A Procedure That Can Save Your Tooth

Has the dentist in UT 84123 suggested you a root canal treatment? It’s better to have some information before you proceed ahead.

What is a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy in Salt Lake City is the treatment where the dental pulp of the tooth is removed as it is infected, dead, or inflamed. The dental pulp is a soft substance in the centre of the tooth which contains nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissues.

Why Might a Root Canal Become Necessary?

There can be a variety of ways that the pulp in your tooth can get affected such as trauma, a deep cavity, a cracked or fractured tooth, and repeated dental procedures. When these conditions are left untreated, the pulp of the tooth can dies and the infection can spread further to bone supporting the roots. Your risk of losing teeth increases when infection increases.

What’s involved in the Root Canal Procedure?

The root canal is not a part of the regular dental examination and it requires a separate appointment. The procedure may be performed either by the dentist or he may recommend you to the endodontist.

The Root Canal Procedure: Before, During, and After

Before the treatment

  • The dentist may take an X-ray to get a clear view of the tooth and surrounding bone.
  • Numb the area with local anaesthetic
  • Put a sheet of rubber on the tooth for keeping it dry and clean

During the treatment

  • Make an opening on the top of tooth
  • Remove the infected pulp
  • Clean the tooth
  • Fill the root canal with gutta-percha to prevent infection in future.
  • Place a temporary filling on the tooth till a permanent crown is placed

After the treatment

  • You may experience sensitivity in the treated area
  • The dentist may offer antibiotics if there is swelling in the jaw
  • You may visit the dentist for follow up examination

Are Root Canals Covered by Dental Insurance? And How Much Do They Cost?

Most of the dental insurance plans covers root canal procedure as Class II or restorative benefit.

Five Reasons Dental Bridges Will Make You Smile

Those who lose teeth because of coming across an accident, age or a similar reason, they might lose their personality too, which they had before the incident took place. You don’t need to worry about it anymore because you can get that personality back with the help of a dental bridge. You need to contact Warm Family Dentistry for treatment. Following you will find the top five reasons why dental bridges will make you smile again-

A Fully-Restored Smile

What more do you need than getting the same smile back? A smile is something which helps you to bag a deal even when the chances seem to be very less. A dental bridge is a good option to restore your smile. A perfect smile helps you in the following ways:

  • You feel confident when you are talking with other people
  • You don’t need to hide your smile while posing for a photo with your family and friends

Maintaining Your Facial Appearance

No one likes the idea of diminishing their facial appearance. People judge you on the basis of your looks and if you can’t express your emotions through your facial appearance then you might not be able to stand in a socializing group for long. Missing teeth affect your facial appearance in the following ways:

  • It affects your jaw bone structure, which changes your facial appearance
  • Even shifting teeth also leads to the same problem

Prevention of Pain and Problems

If you lose teeth, then you are inviting many teeth problems which you don’t even know about. These problems are such as

  • You would not be able to eat or chew your food properly
  • You may face the problem of disordered teeth

Avoid Shifting Teeth

After losing teeth, you would not like to invite other problems like shifting of teeth. A dental bridge can help you save your teeth from the following problems:

  • Missing teeth give space to other teeth for shifting, which leads to the alignment breaking
  • The space between other teeth also creates problems related to gums and gets infections and/or bacteria

Better Speech

Speech plays an important role in our life because every time we communicate or we speak, people who have heard us before, easily notice a change in the voice.

All the above-mentioned problems can be solved. You just need to contact Warm Family Dentistry or a dentist near you and get the problem rectified right away.

The Only Chips in Your Mouth Should Be Snacks | Salt Lake City Dentist

If you have chipped or broken tooth then crown is the best restorative procedure for you. Dentist always tries their best to keep your oral health at its prime. That’s why dentist near Salt Lake City says that the only chips in your mouth should be snacks and not chipped teeth. However, if you do have damaged teeth then a dental crown is a very effective treatment used to restore a tooth, and it has some distinct advantages when compared with the alternatives.

Natural looking: Dental crowns are primarily used as part of restorative procedures, but they also offer various cosmetic benefits. Porcelain and composite resin crowns are very much like natural teeth. They are esthetically appealing and also help in restoring your damaged teeth.

Durable: Dentist use strong, beautiful materials to manufacture dental crowns. With proper care which includes regular brushing and flossing, as well as routine examinations and cleanings, these permanent prostheses can last between 15 and 30 years. That means you can enjoy the benefits for many years.

Non-slipping: Now, dental crowns are custom made for your teeth. Since they fit over the tooth, they are non- slipping and give you the perfect support making your teeth fully functional.

Restorative protection: Dental crown is designed to fit an existing tooth or a dental implant. For the tooth that is broken, decayed, or cracked, the dental crown provides amazing protection from bacteria that might cause further damage.

Confidence: Your dental crown is made according to your exact specifications in terms of shape, size, color, and fit. This will make you confident that this individualized treatment will suit your needs, preferences, and budget. Dental crown enhances your smile and it gives you the boost you needed the most says dentist near Salt Lake, UT.

Having a complete set of healthy, strong teeth adds to your quality of life and helps you feel good about yourself. So in order to achieve that, you need to maintain a good oral hygiene and have regular dental checkups in every six months.

Dental Treatment Options for TMJ Therapy


What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint. There’s one on each side, and they attach your jaw to the bottom of your skull. The muscles near them let you to open and close your mouth. But sometimes, the joints get out of line or don’t move as they should. Up to 15% of adults, mostly ages 20 to 40, have it. It happens more in women than in men.


Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders may include:

  • Pain or tenderness of your jaw
  • Pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Aching facial pain
  • Constant teeth grinding
  • Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth

TMJ disorders can also cause a clicking sound or grating sensation when you open your mouth or chew. But if there’s no pain or limitation of movement associated with your jaw clicking, you probably don’t need treatment for a TMJ disorder.


The temporomandibular joint combines a hinge action with sliding motions. The parts of the bones that interact in the joint are covered with cartilage and are separated by a small shock-absorbing disk, which normally keeps the movement smooth.

Painful TMJ disorders can occur if:

  • The disk erodes or moves out of its proper alignment
  • The joint’s cartilage is damaged by arthritis
  • The joint is damaged by a blow or other impact

In many cases, however, the cause of TMJ disorders isn’t clear.

How We Can Help

TMJ can be treated in many ways. At Warm Family Dentistry, you can have the best treatment for TMJ. These are the options:


Along with other nonsurgical treatments, these medication options may help relieve the pain associated with TMJ disorders:

  • Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Muscle relaxants


Nondrug therapies for TMJ disorders include:

  • Oral splints or mouth guards (occlusal appliances)
  • Physical therapy
  • Counseling

Surgical or other procedures

When other methods don’t help, your doctor might suggest procedures such as:

  • Arthrocentesis
  • Injections
  • TMJ arthroscopy
  • Modified condylotomy
  • Open-joint surgery