Invisalign are clear aligners used to straighten and align teeth. They are removable and are worn for 22 hours each day. Invisalign works similarly to braces; the only difference is that Invisalign can be removed at any time, while braces can’t. In addition, Invisalign is replaced every once in two weeks, while braces can stay in place for up to 3 years. Invisalign aligners don’t cause the yellowing of teeth. However, some habits, like smoking when your Invisalign is off, can cause teeth staining. Additionally, not brushing your teeth properly can lead to a buildup of plaque when you are still undergoing Invisalign treatment.
Invisalign treatment is helpful in fixing the following conditions:
However, not every candidate is suitable for Invisalign treatment. Patients require testing to determine if they can get Invisalign treatment.
The treatment depends on the patient. Some patients wear the aligners for 18 months, while others wear them for up to 2 years.
There are numerous advantages of having your Invisalign treatment done by a professional dentist. They include the following:
The Invisalign aligners don’t cause pain. However, they may be uncomfortable before you get used to them. Additionally, they are more comfortable than regular braces as no wires are sticking out.
Sometimes, your dentist may use braces and Invisalign during treatment. Sometimes, braces might not bring the expected results. Hence dentists use Invisalign to correct the problem.
Both options are practical and serve different purposes. In addition, both treatments have distinct advantages, and the dentists conduct tests to determine an ideal choice for you. Invisalign is the better option for you in that:
Braces, too, have some advantages over traditional Invisalign, and they include the following:
You can get an Invisalign at any age. The other good thing about Invisalign aligners is that they are not that conspicuous, and you can go about your daily activities comfortably. Traditional braces are easily noticeable and may make one uncomfortable at work since they draw a lot of attention.
It is, as it’s a way of treating your teeth without it appearing too obvious like when using braces. Moreover, they are so comfortable that you forget you have them on.
Invisalign treatment is a great way to shape your teeth, fill gaps and restore your smile without altering your look. In addition, they are easy to clean and wear. With Invisalign alignments, you no longer worry about your smile or confidence. However, you should consult with your dentist about whether you are the right fit for the treatment. Does Invisalign have yellow teeth? The short answer is no. However, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes can leave a yellow taint on your teeth.Book an appointment today for Invisalign treatment by our specialist in Warm Family Dentistry. We guarantee you that you’ll have your dream set of teeth and that perfect smile you have been waiting for!